Rhea von der Weizenfelder
Rhea is our matriarch! She was the first female that we purchased for our breeding program and she has been a one of a kind! If you have a Rhea pup, you are one of the lucky few!
Rhea has a medium drive and is an 85 lb SOLID girl! And boy does she give us some BIG puppies! She has given us some absolutely amazing puppies, averaging 90-95 lbs with medium drive, highly intelligent, easy to train, extremely loyal, athletic - you name it and Rhea and Odin have packaged it!
Because of this we have, currently, chosen to keep TWO Rhea pups back. Our male "Echo" and female "Hera", you can watch updates on them on our Facebook page! Our current plan is to add them to our breeding program in the future; however, if that changes it will be updated here on our site and our social media page!
Rhea will be spending the rest of her days as a very spoiled pup with our nephew on a quiet hilltop in the country, we're really looking forward to seeing her enjoy this next phase of her life!